2018 has been a year of change. Ethiopia has had a major change in their government. There is a new Prime Minister, who has brought the country out of martial law and into more peaceful rule. The new government officials visited the ROCN home and are impressed with how well the children are cared for and how they are thriving. ROCN has also experienced change. We now rent two homes-one for the 7 boys and the other for the 8 girls. We have room for one more boy. Since our funding is from private donations, the new government is considering granting us land so we can build our own homes. Having land would provide ROCN the opportunity to fulfill the original vision GOD gave to our Executive Director. The vision is to have a compound with multiple homes around a community center, and include a school and church.
Please join us by supporting the ROCN mission. Pray for continued peace in Ethiopia and for the new government. Pray for the Ethiopian government to continue to look with favor upon the ROCN homes and to bless us with land that would allow us to help more orphans in Nekemte and Oromia region. Please consider financially supporting ROCN by giving at ROCN.org
